Places to enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms,sakura in Germany

park, Rudolfstrasse, Aachen

Springs is already there... ! Be alert...soon will be the best time for o hanami, flower viewing! Happy for the lovers but extremely carefull for the one with pollen allergy.

Hope cherry trees will blooming beautifully soon. The blooming truly depends on the weather and temperature of the environment, but mostly it is between late April to May.

blooming magnolia tree at front of Aachener domm
The pictures were mostly taken in Aachen and Bonn (NRW). There are some places where we can take a peek of this beautiful scene. 

In Aachen we can found the cherry trees growing in a small park in the city, located in Rudolfstrasse. Actually it is a playgorund for children, but there are some banks to sit and enjoy the scenery.

Bonn Botanical garden
Bonn Altstadt

In Bonn, we can enjoy such scenery along the street (Heerstrasse) in Altstadt. Since the trees are planted along the street, there is no spot for a picnic... we could only walk through the street from one side to another.

here are some places to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom or O- hanami, in Germany:

cherry blossom in cologne, köln

  • Cologne -

  • Japanisches Garten in Kaiserslautern

  • Berliner Mauerwegs bei Teltow/Berlin-Lichterfelde, Lichterfelder Allee / Marienfelder Anger, Berlin

  • Gardens of the World, In Marzahn Recreational Park, Berlin

  • Essen - Rüttenscheider Straße

  • Hamburg- Altes Land

  • Eggenertal (Baden - Württemberg)

  • Werratal, Witzenhausen (Hessen)

  • Hiroshima-Hain, Alte Bult, Bismarckstraße, Hannover

  • Stresemannstraße, Marburg (Hessen)

  • Allerpark, Wolfsburg (Lower Saxony)

  • Stadtpark Kainzenhof bzw. an der Fritz-Schäffer-Promenade, Passau (Bavaria)

  • ... and many more...


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